At Warm Protection, we offer a number of optional extras that are available so you can tailor your Rolladoor to suit your needs, ensuring your door is unique to you
Vision Slats

available with Clear, Frosted or Ventilation Mesh*
Vision slats are available for Ultimate 75 and Hybrid 75 Rolladoors, allowing natural light into your garage. Constructed from extruded Aluminium profiles with clear, frosted or mesh infills secured by rubber gaskets. The slats have a powder-coated finish, providing a close colour match with the Rolladoor curtains. Laminated and painted wood effect finishes are not available. *Please note: The mesh infill is for ventilation and therefore not rainproof.
Half Box or Full Box

As standard, all Compact 52 Garage Doors come with half boxes. Additionally, on Ultimate 75 and Hybrid 75 Garage Doors, half boxes are offered as an optional extra. If you prefer full boxes, they are available for all systems at an additional cost. The boxes are supplied in White or Dark Brown as standard, but they can be powder coated in other colours at an extra charge. Externally fitted doors require full boxes.

External Override Keylock
The override keylock adds extra security to the box safeguarding the manual override entry point on external exits.

Tapered Bottom Rails
Designed to accommodate slopping floor levels. Powder-coated to match the chosen Rolladoor colour.

Laminated Wood Effect Finishes
Available in three stock finishes, Golden Oak, Rosewood and Irish Oak. Other colours are available.

Low Level Lockable Override Kit
When no other access is available into your garage for emergency, manual override or power failures.

Photo Cell Safety Device
An additional safety device that uses an infrared beam horizontally across the inside of the Rolladoor.

Remote control Handset
A Somfy Rollixo 4 channel, 868-870mhz keyfob with easy touch button and key ring holder.

IO Wireless Keypads
If you ever forget your keyfob, just input your 5-digit code to operate the Rolladoor.

IO Wireless Switch
A touch sensitive, wireless switch allowing easy operation to activate your door whilst inside your home.

TaHoma Switch Connectivity Kit
Control your Rolladoor using your mobile or tablet, from anywhere in the world with the Somfy App.

The Hard-wired Safety Edge
The hard-wired safety edge provides continuous power to the safety edges optical cells, eliminating the need for battery replacements over time. The floor levels must be solid and level for the system to work correctly.